123Guestbook.com will be shutting down on the 1st of July. Learn more

08:11 26-03-2023


great site! love it
07:45 19-06-2022


thanks for the history lesson <3
13:45 24-12-2021
In my humble opinion, this site contains knowledge that every leatherman and enthusiast MUST know, and -if it's possible- spread. As a leather lover, I've always been attracted by the old school/70s look: moustache, chain with cap and badge, chaps, jacket... and yes, jeans and plaid shirt. Never liked leather pants, so reading the part about chaps over jeans instead of wearing leather pants comforted me. Thanks for your work, time and dedication. A warm greeting.
11:15 14-12-2021
Wolfgang Scheller


A great website! No Nazi stuff and only real leather without latex, lycra or rubber crap. Please continue that there is a lively, real leather scene! Best regards, Wolfgang
16:47 06-12-2021


I love this history! It needs to be brought back and new establishments created before we lose this history forever! Thank you for this website!

19:30 12-01-2019


United States
I writing a history of the Leather Community in Pittsburgh and I would welcome any advice are recommendations or source information.
16:42 29-04-2018


The Netherlands
A very warm thank you for all those who sent us compliments and other nice remarks for our homepage. We really appreciate it.
06:12 16-04-2018
Luis Alberto Zambon


Great website! Congrats!
07:12 03-01-2018
Todd Miller


Your amazing website fosters understanding and deep respect. I landed here through a random Google search for leather products and read through everything in one sitting. I've always had a fondness for leather--just this side of a fetish--but never could explain precisely why. Your histories and clear-headed analysis have proven invaluable in this journey of self-discovery and you have my appreciation. Nothing like this exists in the United States, where everything is so politicized and an honest forthright historical approach like yours is sorely needed. I hope that you will continue to expand on this theme and enable many others to learn about the treasure trove of vital information that you have here. The personal histories--particularly Jason's--belong in an encyclopedia, they're so well written. I feel like I know everyone, and I suppose it's because I share that love of leather and history. Thanks for putting in the time and effort. I salute you.
11:08 13-09-2017
Peter Vincent


This is the best site on the history of gay leather I think anyone could possibly have put together. You deserve a special award for all your hard work and dedication guys. You've got a lot of the most memorable aspects of gay leather history. The only thing I'd like to suggest is finding a way to help all the rest of the gay leather community to know about this site and how to find it and also a neat way for some of us to offer elements of info from different countries such as The Coleherne that was the oldest gay bar in the UK and was primarily leather, rubber and denim. Germany would also have some great history to share as well and some other countries at least in Europe.
My personal thank you so much for a brilliant job and for keeping it alive.
15:13 08-07-2017


Wonderful pagges.
I like you guys.
05:05 17-06-2017
Dr. Faircloth


United States
This is a wonderful website. I am currently teaching a graduate course on Sexual Minority Issues in Counseling. I recommend students visit this site to better understand historical elements and some lived experiences of Gay Leathermen and of the Gay Leather culture.
I am so happy this website is here.
Dr. F.
08:03 21-04-2017


Thanks for setting up and maintaining this wonderful website. Lots of historical materials and personal memories and a delightful read.
19:43 25-01-2017


United Kingdom
Hi - well here I am back again for another visit to your site, after some time has passed. Nice to see your updates. You certainly helped me when I first came here - and put me in touch with a wonderful guy in the USA, who has sadly left us now. But what an inspiration he (and you) have been.
18:04 01-07-2016


Just starting out in the leather community and was looking for history sites like yours. It was really helpful and informative. Will def benefit me moving forward in leather.
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